FoQP Volunteers
Whether you have hours or only minutes to spare, your help in supporting the Friends of Queen’s Park is invaluable. Everyone is welcome!
The Friends of Queen’s Park is wholly volunteer-led and carry out a range of activities in the park from gardening and planting to tending the ponds and undertaking nature walks, biodiversity recording and other activities.
We meet regularly – see FoQP What’s On – and follow us on our social media pages to find out more.
We need people to support us with promotion of our activities and campaigning, posting on social media, taking photographs, running activities, or fundraising so we can buy compost and plants to help with our biodiversity planting. Whether you’re happy to get your hands dirty – such as digging outdoors with a group of other Friends – or prefer to keep clean, or even work remotely, we’d love your help. Please get in touch now to find out more –