Autumn Clear-Up – Saturday 2nd November, 10 am-12 noon
The Park looks stunning in all it autumn glory, but also needs a tidy-up before the winter.
Leaves to collect, bushes to cut-back, trees to lop, roses to prune, weeds to dig-out. It’s a long list, but the tasks themselves are not hard and you can choose whatever job you fancy!
We’re hoping you’ll be interested to come along and give a hand. All you need are: solid foot-wear, water-proof and possibly a bottle of water. Tools, gloves and hi-viz vests are provided.
We’re meeting on 2nd November (morning) at the Rose Garden parallel to Langside Avenue on south-side of the Park.
Let us know if you can manage along by getting in touch at this e-address. It would be great to see you!