We’ll be meeting by the small pond in the Rose Garden, weeding and tidying up the bed we planted earlier in the year. We also hope to plant some teasels that are being kindly donated by a local resident, they can cope with the heavy soil in that area and the seed heads look lovely […]
Read MoreWe’ll be meeting at the small/wildlife pond. No planting, but still plenty of weeding and clearing to do. We’ll also be holding a ‘meet and greet’ with park users to find out their views on the park; what’s good, bad; what changes they would like to see.
Read MoreWe’ll be meeting in the Rose Garden for a final tidy-up before the Autumn, The new roses we planted earlier in the year have bedded in well and many gave spectacular blooms – hopefully they’ll winter well and bloom even more vigorously next year. Thanks to everyone who has helped with the rose garden over […]
Read MoreWe’ll be meeting at the small pond to do some weeding and clearing. This will be light exercise – if you have a small trowel or garden gloves please do bring those along – otherwise we provide hoes, weeders, a few snips/secateurs. Whether you’ve volunteered with the Friends before or this is your first time, […]
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